
  1. The Impact of Priming Covid-19 on the Willingness to Work in Teams (with Sunduz Divle and Mert Gümren) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Paper

  2. Grit and Academic Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic (with Daniel L. Chen, Theodoros Evgeniou, Xin Miao, Ali Nadaf and Emrah Yilmaz ) npj Science of Learning Paper

  3. Ever Failed, Try Again, Succeed Better: Results from a Randomized Educational Intervention on Grit (with Sule Alan and Teodora Boneva), Quarterly Journal of Economics (2019) Paper Online Appendix Media

  4. Does a Forward-Looking Perspective Affect Self-Control and the Demand for Commitment? Results from an Educational Intervention Economic Inquiry (with Sule Alan and Inci Gumus) (2021) Paper

  5. Understanding Gender Differences in Leadership (with Sule Alan, Elif Kubilay and Gyongyi Loranth) Economic Journal (2020) Paper

  6. Demand for Autonomy and Desire to Avoid Responsibility in Risky Environments: Experimental Evidence (with Mert Gumren and Mehmet Y. Gurdal) Journal of Economic Psychology (2019) Paper

  7. Strategic Feedback in Teams: Theory and Experimental Evidence (with Mert Gumren and Levent Kockesen), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2019) Paper

  8. Cheating and Incentives in a Performance Context: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Children (with Sule Alan and Mert Gumren), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2019) Paper

  9. Preference Communication and Leadership in Group Decision-Making (with Mehmet Y. Gurdal), Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2019) Paper

  10. Fostering Patience in the Classroom: Results from a Randomized Educational Intervention (with Sule Alan), Journal of Political Economy (2018), 126(5), 1865-1911. Paper Online Appendix

  11. Gender Stereotypes in the Classroom and Effects on Achievement (with Sule Alan and Ipek Mumcu), Review of Economics and Statistics (2018). Paper

  12. Mitigating the Gender Gap in the Willingness to Compete: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment (with Sule Alan), Journal of the European Economic Association (2018), 17(4), 1147-1185. Paper

  13. On the Cultural Basis of Gender Differences in Negotiation (with Steffen Andersen, Uri Gneezy, John A. List, Sandra Maximiano), Experimental Economics (2018), 21 (4), 757-778. Paper

  14. Transmission of Risk Preferences from Mothers to Daughters (with Sule Alan, Nazli Baydar, Teodora Boneva, and Thomas F. Crossley), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2017) 134, 60-77. Paper

  15. The Role of Verifiability and Privacy in the Strategic Provision of Performance Feedback: Theory and Experiments (with Levent Kockesen and Duygu Ozdemir), Games and Economic Behavior (2016) 100, 24-45. Paper

  16. Experienced traders modulate anterior insula to reduce the endowment effect (with Lester Tong, Kentaro Asai, Karen J. Ye, John A. List, Howard C. Nusbaum, and Ali Hortacsu) Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences (2016), 113(33), 9238–9243. Paper

  17. Patience, Self-Control and the Demand for Commitment: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment (with Sule Alan) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2015), 115, pp. 111–122. Paper

  18. Gender, Competitiveness and Socialization at a Young Age: Evidence from a Matrilineal and a Patriarchal Society (with Steffen Andersen, Sandra Maximiano, Uri Gneezy and John A. List), Review of Economics and Statistics (2013), 95(4), pp. 1438-1443. Paper

  19. Deciding to Decide: Gender, Leadership and Risk-Taking in Groups (with Mehmet Y. Gurdal), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2012), 83(1), pp.24-30. Paper

  20. Stakes Matter in Ultimatum Games (with Steffen Andersen, Uri Gneezy, Moshe Hoffman and John A. List), American Economic Review (2011), 101, pp. 3427-3439. Paper

  21. Does Self-Relevance Affect Information Processing? Experimental Evidence on the Response to Performance and Non-Performance Feedback, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2011), 80(3), pp. 532-545. Paper

  22. Entry into Auctions: An Experimental Study (with Ali Hortacsu and James Roberts), International Journal of Industrial Organization (2011), 29(2), pp 168-178. Paper

  23. Mental Attributes and Temporal Brain Dynamics during Bargaining: EEG Source Localization and Neuroinformatic Mapping (with Burak Guclu, Ali Hortacsu, and John A. List) Social Neuroscience (2012), 7(2), pp. 159-177. Paper

  24. Determinants of Private Savings Behavior in Turkey, Applied Economics (2003), 35(12), pp.1405-1416 (joint with K. Metin-Ozcan and A. Gunay) Paper

Book Chapter

  1. The Formation and Malleability of Preferences and Noncognitive Skills (2020). In: Zimmermann K. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.

  2. Experimental Economics (2010), in Free, R. (Ed.) 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook, SAGE Publishers, Thousand Oaks, California (with Sandra Maximiano).